準備中 - Now Preparing
コンテスト概要 Overview of Contest
Cities: Skylinesのフォトコンテストです。Cities: Skylinesプレイヤーであればどなたでも参加いただけます。気軽にご参加ください。
This is a screenshot contest of Cities: Skylines. This contest is an open competition for all Cities: Skylines mayors. Entries are welcome from around the world.
テーマ Theme
水 - Water -
You can take any screenshots you like, as long as there is water in your picture. Water means not only rivers and
seas, but anything that showcases water, such as water decals and fountains.
カテゴリー Categories
- 日本風 Japanese City
- 海外風 Cities Foreign to Japan
- コンシューマ版 Console Versions
応募規定 Rules
- 2020年3月1日から5月15日までに撮影した作品で、インターネット上(Twitter等のSNSを含む)で未発表のものに限ります。
The picture(s) must be taken in the period from 1 March 2020 to 15 May 2020 Japan Standard Time. The picture(s) must also be original and unpublished to other media including SNS such as Twitter. - 応募は1部門につき1人1点、最大3点とします。
An applicant can only be entered once for each categories. - 応募作品の著作権は撮影者に帰属しますが、事務局はコンテストに関連する運営、プロモーション活動において、オンライン、印刷物、ソーシャルメディアを含むすべてのメディアにおいて、著作権者の許諾を要することなく無制限かつ無償で応募作品を非独占的に利用できるものとします。
Copyright holders retain copyright of their work. For all entry pictures, copyright holders grant the contest organizers unlimited non-exclusive use of pictures for activities in all media, including social media, online and print, in relation to the contest, the public archive, and all promotional activities for and under the auspices of the contest organizer, without any remuneration being due.
スケジュール Schedule
- 募集:05/16 23:59 まで(日本時間)
Closing date for submitting entries: 16 May 2020, 23:59 Japan Standard Time - 一次審査:05/17 - 05/24
First Stage: Between 16 May - 24 May JST - 二次審査:05/25-05/31
Second Stage: Between 25 May - 31 May JST - 最終審査:未定
Final Stage: Will be announced later
審査方法 Screening Process
一次審査 First Round
Narrow down to 20 cities in each category by vote of judges. There are 4 judges, Gatomo, Kaminogi, Tokachi and Rakushige.
二次審査 Second Round
Narrow down to the top 10 by a public vote on this page.
最終審査 Final Round
In the final round, you can vote on our live stream, and the grand prix/final round will be decided by votes on the second round, and the final live streaming round itself.
応募方法 Application Method
Entry from "Upload Photo" in this page. Please also input the picture title and your twitter account to contact.
賞品 Prizes
各カテゴリー / Each Category
1位 1st place | 1 DLC + 5,000円相当のギフト券* 1 DLC + [JPY 5,000] Gift Certificates* |
2位 2nd place | 2,000円相当のギフト券* [JPY 2,000] Gift Certificates* |
3位 3rd place | 1,000円相当のギフト券* [JPY 1,000] Gift Certificates* |
*: Amazon Gift Certificates(Japan only) or Steam Gift
お問い合わせ Contact us
Twitter: @csl_contest
よくある質問 FAQ
To Be Prepared
Specital Thanks: Parafox Interactive
告知動画 / Notification Video