
二次審査 2nd Screening


2nd screening is popular vote by the visitors of this website. Please vote for your favorite pictures until 18:00 on May 30 JST, 10:00 CET.


コンテスト概要 Overview of Contest

Cities: Skylinesのフォトコンテストです。Cities: Skylinesプレイヤーであればどなたでも参加いただけます。気軽にご参加ください。

This is a photo contest of Cities: Skylines. This contest is an open competition for all Cities: Skylines mayors. Entries are welcome from around the world.

動画 / Video

告知動画 / Notification Video

テーマ Theme

水 - Water -


You can take any screenshots you like, as long as there is water in your picture. Water means not only rivers and seas,  but anything that showcases water, such as water decals and fountains.

カテゴリー Categories

  1. 日本風 Japanese City
  2. 海外風 Cities Foreign to Japan
  3. コンシューマ版 Console Editions

スケジュール Schedule

  • 募集:2020/05/17 18:00 まで(日本時間)
    Closing date for submitting entries: 17 May 2020, 18:00 Japan Standard Time
  • 一次審査:05/17 - 05/23
    First Round: Between 17 May - 23 May JST
  • 二次審査:05/23 18:00 - 05/30 18:00
    Second Round: Between 23 May 18:00 - 30 May 18:00 JST
  • 最終審査:05/30 22:00 - on YouTube Live / ニコニコ生放送
    Final Round: 30 May 22:00 JST on YouTube Live / Niconico Douga
  • 全作品公開:最終審査後
    All entries are published after final round.

応募規定 Rules

1.2020年3月1日から5月17日までに撮影した、Cities Skylinesの街のスクリーンショット画像作品で、インターネット上(Twitter等のSNSを含む)で未発表のものに限ります。

You can submit the screenshot picture(s) of Cities Skylines taken in the period from 1 March 2020 to 17 May 2020 Japan Standard Time. The picture(s) must also be original and unpublished to other media including SNS such as Twitter.


An applicant can only be entered once for each categories.

最大サイズ:3000px x 3000px or 5 MB
画像の編集:リサイズのみ可能。それ以外の画像の編集・加工は一切実施しないようお願いします。色や光の調整をしたい場合は、PC版であればMODをご利用ください。Limitation of the picture
Max size: 3000px x 3000px or 5 MB
Image format: JPEG
Editing images: only resizing is allowed. Please do not edit or process images other than resizing. If you want to adjust the color or lighting, please use MOD for PC version.

  • 本ウェブサイトにおけるコンテスト関連記事作成
  • コンテスト関連動画作成
  • これらの記事、動画を宣伝する目的でのTwitter等SNS上への投稿


The copyright of the entry belongs to the photographer, but the contest organizers can use the entry in related activities of the contest.
Range available to the contest organizers

  • Create contest-related articles on this website
  • Create contest-related videos
  • Posting on Twitter and other SNS for the purpose of promoting these articles and videos

If the contest organizers use it for any purpose other than the above, the contest organizers must obtain permission separately from the copyright holder.

応募方法 Application Method


Entry from "Upload Photo" in this page. Please also input the picture title and your twitter account to contact.


賞品 Prizes

各カテゴリー / Each Category

1st place
1 DLC + 5,000円相当のギフト券*
1 DLC + [JPY 5,000] Gift Certificates*
2nd place
[JPY 2,000] Gift Certificates*
3rd place
[JPY 1,000] Gift Certificates*

* : 各カテゴリーで1位の方には、Cities:Skylinesで発売されている各種DLCから、お好きなDLCを貰えます。 (Paradox Interactiveより提供)
If you're #1 in each category, you'll get one of your favorite DLCs from Cities: Skylines.(Thanks to Parafox Interactive)

*: Amazon Gift Certificates or Steam Gift

審査方法 Screening Process

一次審査 First Round


Narrow down to 20 photos in each category by vote of judges. There are 4 judges, Gatomo, Kaminogi, Tokachi and Rakushige.

二次審査 Second Round


Narrow down to the top 10 photos by a public vote on this web page.

最終審査 Final Round


In the final round, you can vote on our live stream, and the grand prix will be decided by votes on the second round, and the final live streaming round itself.

よくある質問 FAQ

Please review the FAQ (English) before contacting us.

お問い合わせ Contact us

Twitter: @csl_contest

特別協賛 / Special Thanks

Paradox Interactive