Started 2020年5月17日 1776
大型客船や貨物船が行き交う、ヨーク川の河口に位置するアナリード港。アナリードはヨーク州の州都で自動車などの工業や鉱業を基盤に発展し、鉄道や高速道路で他都市と結ばれています。真ん中に見えるのは都心のある南岸と近年開発が進む北岸とを結ぶ美しいノースゲートブリッジ。Anna Reed Harbour are busy with large cruse and cargo ships is located in the mouth of River York. The City of Anna Reed is capital of County York developed based on industries such as motor and mine and connected with other cities by Intercity railway and motorways. You can see the beautiful Northgate Bridge connecting south shore which has CBD (downtown) and north shore recently developing in the middle of the picture.
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